
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Decisions, Decisions,,,

So following on from my hopes and dreams for Hyperspace, I was going to follow up with some thoughts on my experiences on actually playing the format. But then FFG dropped a bunch of changes and everyone seemed to get cross again, so I've left it a few more days before venturing some opinions about the future. I mean, other than calm down folks, but I think we all know that. Lets have at it, after the cat. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Hype-ing for Hope-erspace

Yes, its another opinion on Hyperspace. No Wait! Come Back!

Undoubtably one of the biggest changes to X-Wing 2.0 was the formalisation of variant formats, and the idea of the "Hyperspace" ship/upgrade rotation for major events. It's caused....debate. But it's now properly upon us, and Club Night is full of U-Wings, for goodness sake, so it's clearly having an impact. We've got our first event this time next week over a Element Games in Stockport, so naturally thats what we've been talking about pretty solidly.

It's my blog, I can talk about what I want to!